The Beginning

In the sky, the flaming dark tunnel slowly disappeared.

Both Anna and Black Hound were already gone to places unknown.

Then a small-sized Interstellar Warship landed.

Liao Xing returned.

"What a majestic and awesome battle that was, I saw everything from space!" he shouted with undeniable glee.

"You're a scientist, what do you think we should do next?" Zhang Ying Hao asked.

"Cultivate! We have to cultivate! I've decided, I'm going to study cultivation as the main research topic for the world for the next few years" Liao Xing declared.

"That's right, I need to go all-in on cultivating as well" Ye Fei Li sighed.

The President mused: "We have to quickly get everyone to enter a state of cultivation, that way if some sort of disaster strikes, everyone will be able to save themselves"

"That's the way it should be, let us come and plan out a policy" Varona agreed.