Soul Reading

"How did you know about the split soul!"

Tian Shan Ye asked in disbelief.

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan also felt a bit relieved.

"Because I've seen it before" he slowly answered.

In the previous life, up until both worlds were destroyed, no one had even seen another world.

Humanity understood nothing, even thinking that the word "Worlds" referred to Reality and the cultivation world.

How ridiculously naïve!

Being able to redo everything again, he had seen more worlds than before, got to know the people of those worlds, and even began to touch upon the secret between worlds.

All of a sudden, Gu Qing Shan realized just how important knowledge and understanding was.

Not too long ago, he saw Hazeden not hesitating to split his soul in order to save Soft Note.

He used 10,000 years and managed to restructure his card deck.