She Appeared

As soon as the hawk ripped the leaf apart, it quickly flew high into the air.

After falling just a bit, the two halves of the leaf turned into two halves of a body.

While the parts were bleeding profusely, immense spirit energy still radiated from it.

When all seems lost, the severed body still wanted to attempt something.

But the spirit energy waves quickly attracted the skin bags.

They swooped in and stuck close to the two halves of the body.

Then the body disappeared without a trace.

The hawk didn't even bother to look back, only trying its best to fly where there were fewer skin bags.

A few breaths later.

The white fox appeared out of nowhere.

He was standing in front of the hawk, seemingly waiting for it.

This time, the white fox carried a long staff tied with numerous black streaks of cloth.

Etched on those streaks of cloth were flickering runes, giving off an indescribable domineering presence.