Devil Summoning Technique

Standing in the dust cloud, Gu Qing Shan silently sighed.


I already hid myself so well, yet the summoning still reached me.

Of course, a summoning isn't mandatory, so as long as he refused, the magic would have failed.

According to his original plan, he shouldn't have accepted the summoning.

But as he saw the man's terrible state and his unwillingness, Gu Qing Shan still decided to take up his sword and answered the call.

Inside the dust cloud.

"Shannu, remember this technique well"

He took the Chao Yin sword in hand and lightly whispered behind his back.

The man and woman didn't even hesitate to attack as soon as they heard a voice.

Ridiculous, Wang Cheng was a Devil Summoner!

I'm not sure why he succeeded in the summoning during the last moments of his life, but he offered everything including his soul for this summon.