One Thing After Another

Gu Qing Shan turned into Wang Cheng and quickly returned to the main ship.

As soon as he came out from the wreckage, he saw the second mate standing at the entrance of the main ship, coldly looking at him.

The scavenging was already over.

So everyone had already returned to the main ship, only the second mate was still standing here.

As if he was waiting for someone.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at him, said nothing and just went back into the ship.

"Wang Cheng, where's your devil?"

As he walked past him, the second mate couldn't help but ask.

"It? The contract was over so it returned" Gu Qing Shan replied.

The second mate froze briefly before giving him a small pouch.

"This is your salary this month, everyone has already gotten theirs, only yours is left" he said.

"Ah, thank you, no wonder you waited for me here" Gu Qing Shan received the pouch and said.