A Promise of Life And Death

The space vortex.

Two ships had crashed on a certain desolate world.

The divine officers of the Holy Church of Death, as well as the holy knights of the Holy Church of Fate, were gathered on two sides, both forbidden to move a single step.

An unprecedented intense battle was currently ongoing several thousand meters away from where they stood.


The shockwaves created by the two people's battle rippled across the air to create intense wind pressure, keeping everyone on their toes.

The leader of the Holy Church of Death's divine officers loudly asked: "When will your superiors get here?"

A holy knight from the Holy Church of Fate helplessly sighed: "I'm not sure, we've already sent the news through an emergency channel, so they should be here anytime now"

He then looked at the divine officer and asked: "What about your superiors, when will they arrive?"