Attack of Huang Quan realm!

This place was the centermost location of the entire ship.

Whether this ship turned into a train, a Mech armor, or if the ship was facing imminent destruction, this place was equipped with a unique life-sustaining system that would guarantee the safety of its pilot to the highest degree.

------and it was quite narrow.

After securing Gu Qing Shan here, Su Xue Er could only sit on the floor.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

She anxiously whispered.

After waiting for a bit longer, Su Xue Er couldn't help but glance at Gu Qing Shan again.

Gu Qing Shan still had his eyes closed, no reactions.

Su Xue Er sighed, feeling a bit more anxious in her heart.

Suddenly, the light on the control tower outside abruptly turned bright red, followed by a loud alarm.

[Attention please, 3000 life forms have been detected, brainwave signature confirmed to be similar]

[These life forms are approaching rapidly]