Exchanging information

The child stared at Gu Qing Shan's fist for a while, then tried probing: "After the Samsara shattered, all of our powers cannot be exerted to their utmost; you should also not be able to utilize this power of yours, meaning it has no real value"


Gu Qing Shan admitted: "You're right, I can't exert this power"

He then leaned forward, staring straight into the other party's eyes: "Whether or not to search for the secret behind this power with me, that's your own decision to make. If you aren't interested in such a thing, then never mind"


-------the power of Null Tribulation.

This was a power that managed to shatter the Samsara.

Where did it come from? Can it be controlled for a long time?

These are both secrets at the deepest depths of the Samsara.

What kind of Deific Authority did the War Shaman obtain to be able to mobilize such power?