Large-scale joint mission

A few moments later.


Xiao Die appeared in a large office room.


"Tower Master"


「 What a rare guest I have, Xiao Die, for what do I owe the pleasure? 」


"Master, I just remembered that it's been a very long time since I last used my accumulated points"


The Tower Master looked at Xiao Die and nodded: 「 Ever since you bought that piece of land from Void City for your home, you truly haven't been using your accumulated points at all. I can see you're enjoying this leisurely life 」


"Yes. After receiving your help, I've learnt many things and have matured quite a bit, but I truly am not someone who has a very high requirement of my own strength"

Saying so, Xiao Die looked at the Tower Master and smiled: "Even if something happens, I have you and the others in front of me"