Parallel power

A head flew.


Reneedol's body collapsed to the ground.


Gu Qing Shan had already averted his gaze from her and turned towards Shroud.


He wanted to see if the charm Shroud was afflicted with would disappear or not.


-------if not, that would really be troublesome.

After all, Shroud had resurrected Reneedol from death once before.


Gu Qing Shan held the Six Paths Great Mountain sword tightly and made the appropriate preparations.


If there's no other choice, I'm going to stab him once.


At first, Shroud's expression was filled with sorrow, but then it quickly became full of confusion.


He stared closely at Reneedol's body, muttering to himself: "Why… had my affection towards her disappeared completely?"


-------he began to notice that his feelings and emotions had been tampered with.