Reuniting with Little Dusk!

The beautiful male elf stood at the head of the boat and lightly blew on a piece of leaf.


"What is he doing?" Scarlet silently asked.


"Not sure, it seems like some sort of signal" Reneedol said.


The elf put the piece of leaf down and turned around: "Beautiful ladies, I am summoning the Arbitrator team of us Jungle Elves"


"Arbitrator? What do you mean?" Gu Qing Shan asked.


The elf gently answered: "In the Isle of Protection, our race and the Giant race each took over half of the territory. The Giant race is responsible for the dirty species and life forms that do not have any value. They've already established a refugee camp, but we Jungle Elves are not the same-------"


Boss suddenly spoke up:


"Oh? How are you not the same?"


He slowly sat up from Reneedol's lap.


"How are you feeling?" Gu Qing Shan asked.