Going Away

The girl stared blankly at the shocking scenes in front of her, her mouth half open as though she had yet to regain her senses.

She looked at the bodies of the three men in a daze and her body fell limply to the ground as a stream of tears flowed down her cheeks.

She started with a whimper before beginning to cry louder as she thought of her tragic past.

The burst of wailing was like a river breaking its banks that once again interrupted the wasteland's tranquility. It was like a heartbreaking lament, telling the heavens about the ups and downs of the world.

After some time, the crying abruptly stopped.

The girl had stood up again, her fists clenched tightly. The dirt and blood stains on her small face had been washed away by her tears, showing her beautiful and delicate face. But there seemed to be something more in her big eyes than before.

She suddenly ran forward, in the direction of another gray boulder.

Under the boulder, a badly mutilated body lay in a pool of blood. It could be vaguely recognised as belonging to the bearded man, who was long dead. A few feet away from the boulder, there was also the body of a short man that now looked a lot like mud, which was likely the remnants of the horse-faced man.

As for Daoist Qi, he had exploded as a result of the tall youth's punch and there was barely anything left of his body other than some pieces of meat and the blood stains nearby.

The girl then boldly jumped off the boulder. All of a sudden, blue nails that were several inches long grew from her hands and she waved them at the remains of the bearded man.

Amidst a sonic boom, a blue light shot out, hitting the remains of the body.

Blood flew all around and the body that was already badly mutilated, was torn apart and reduced into a pile of meat in the blink of an eye.

It did not quite get rid of her hatred and she once again opened her mouth, spewing out a green flame that burned the leftover flesh into ash. She then did the same to the body of the horse-faced man before she finally felt some relief.

The girl's legs turned weak after doing that and she fell to the ground once again, panting hard.

The little bit of magic power that had recovered was used up again.

The girl's mood had calmed down. She moved her body, kneeling in one direction as she murmured, "Father, Mother, Big Brother, Second Sister… One of the scum from the Blood Saber Sect has finally died. Although he was not killed by me, you have been avenged. Don't worry, as long as I live, I will eventually climb Blood Mountain and destroy the Blood Saber Sect."

After she said that, the girl's eyes turned red and she tears welled in her eyes, but she forced the tears back.

"Don't cry. Father said before, people who cry often won't grow up. I want to grow up quickly!"

The girl then swallowed back the urge to cry and stood up again. She then looked at the storage pouchs left by the three men.

She looked slightly disgusted, but after a moment of hesitation, she still picked up all the items and put them away.

As the sun moved west, the sky gradually darkened. The wind grew stronger and howled, as the temperature also dropped slightly.

Looking around the vast wasteland, the girl felt slightly afraid and shrunk her body and moved towards the only living person beside her—the tall youth—subconsciously.

After the tall youth threw that punch, he had regained his dull look and just stood around, looking down at his feet. It seemed like he did not see or hear what the girl had just done.

The girl did not dare to get too close, and called him softly in a hesitant way. "Erm… Brother Stone…"

The tall youth had no reaction.

The girl said, "Brother Stone, my name is Liu Le'er. Thank you for killing the three scum. Although you're from the Human race, my father said that there are also good humans."

The tall youth's body moved and finally had a reaction. He raised his head slightly and looked at Liu Le'er.

The girl's figure was reflected in his pupils and there seemed to be a ray of light that flashed past his dull eyes before becoming muddled again. But he was still looking at Liu Le'er.

This shocked Liu Le'er and she took several steps back hurriedly.

But the tall youth only looked at her blankly, without any other action or movement.

Liu Le'er felt relieved and was even more sure that there was something wrong with the youth's brain. She became more courageous and shuffled closer, looking at the person in front of her curiously.

Liu Le'er did not get the chance to carefully examine him earlier, but now that she was right before him, she could see him more clearly.

This youth was tall, his fingers were long and slender. The muscles on his body were not bulky, but he gave a sense of having infinite strength.

Although his eyes were blank and lifeless, his pupils were very dark. It seemed like one's soul would be sucked in when looking at it for too long. His skin was slightly tanned and smooth that didn't show any trace of any injury after the fight.

The blue clothes he wore looked ordinary and even after being cut by a thunder cleaver, there was no damage to them.

All of these, together with how the youth had sucked in that strange blood mist into his mouth, showed that he was definitely not an ordinary person, let alone a mortal.

How could a mortal kill three cultivators who had magic artifacts so easily.

The girl looked at the tall youth in a daze, but the tall youth had no reaction. Her mood became more relaxed and perhaps her childlike innocence sprouted after the catastrophe as she walked around the tall youth.

The youth's eyes were fixed on Liu Le'er, as if there was something about her that attracted his attention.

Thinking back on how this youth helped her escape this ordeal and even killed her three enemies, the girl felt that the tall youth in front of her looked more and more kind.


Liu Le'er suddenly cried out. In front of the tall youth's chest, a small dark green, crystal-clear ornament could be vaguely seen. She did not know what it was.

She wanted to pull away his clothes to take a closer look, but she did not dare to.

At that moment, the wind around them was getting stronger and dark clouds gathered in the sky. Thick, black clouds appeared, slowly covering up the last vestiges of sunlight.


A thick flash of lightning tore through the clouds and lit up the sky, creating a loud clap of thunder which was soon followed by heavy rain.


Liu Le'er let out an exclamation, subconsciously hiding under the tall youth's body and hugging the youth's thigh, her small body shivering.

She was a demon fox, so she had a kind of inexplicable fear of thunder.

The eyes of the tall youth slowly lit up, but soon dimmed again. Liu Le'er did not know if it was intentional or not, but he bowed down a little, his tall body covering her and blocking her from the endless wind and rain beyond.

Warmth surged in the girl's heart. She was not afraid of the storm and lightning now, but felt a strange sense of security, it felt like she was back in her father's arms.

Before long, the clouds and rain scattered and a fresh scent of grass and trees filled the air.

Liu Le'er shook off the rain on her body and laughed, raising the tall youth's hand to flick off the beads of water on his clothes.

The blue clothes on him were made of some unknown material. When rain fell on it, it would become drops of water and would not soak in like the skin of a lotus leaf.

As always, there was no reaction from the tall youth to the girl's actions, but he did not object to it and allowed her to continue.

"By the way, Brother Stone, I don't know what your name is." Liu Le'er pulled the youth, trying to get him to sit down.

The tall youth slowly sat down obediently, but still said nothing.

"Brother Stone, why are you here?

"Brother Stone, that punch was so powerful. Can you teach me?

"Brother Stone…"

Liu Le'er was reluctant to accept his lack of responses and tried several ways to communicate with him. However, no matter what she said, the youth remained unmoved and she could not help but feel disappointed again.

"Brother Stone, although I don't know who you are, you killed the people from the Blood Saber Sect, so you'd better leave with me." After thinking about it, the girl finally made up her mind and grabbed the youth's big hand, pleading with him.

Although the tall youth was muddle-headed, he seemingly understood something after Liu Le'er kept speaking and gesturing. He blinked and finally left with the girl ploddingly.

Dusk was falling, and the setting sun was as red as blood.

The whole wasteland was bathed in the afterglow and became a golden resplendence.

The two figures headed off in the direction of the setting sun and Liu Le'er's joyful voice could be heard along with the breeze.

"Brother Stone, I know you're very powerful, but there are still many bad people from the Blood Saber Sect!

"It's getting late. You must be hungry.

"When we get out of here, I'll catch some wild birds and cook them for you. I'm quite good at it!

"Brother Stone, I'll treat you as my brother in the future!"