
"I learned something when I was very little: I don't die."

"I tried jumping off from the tenth floor, only to injure a passer-by."

"I tried throwing myself into a river, but somebody was swimming there."

"I tried taking poison, but what I bought was a fake."

"I tried electric shocks, but the breakers tripped."

"I tried slitting my wrist, but the wound had healed thanks to my amazing recovery abilities before I bled to death."

"I tried lying in front of a train… only for the security to discover me and making me grounded for an entire month."

"On April 5th, 2049, a nuclear war broke out with no warning. A nuclear bomb was detonated right above my head, dazzling the world with its brilliance. I thought I would finally be free… but I still didn't die. Instead, I mysteriously reincarnated into this world where my life continued!"

"But this time… I will probably die for sure."

"I won't die from the destruction of the cosmos but from one man's fist. When the fist punched my skull and the scent of death surrounded me, I realized that I feared death after all."

"Little bas*ard, get lost!"

"Wang Gang!"

Somebody shouted as gunshots followed.

The gunshot forced the figure who was lunging at Baili Qingfeng to change his course, avoiding the bullet. The fist aimed at his skull eventually landed on his shoulder.


The next second, Baili Qingfeng, who was passing by, felt that a truck had hit him. His bones broke and he couldn't feel half of his body anymore. He flew six meters away before he crashed to the ground and tumbled a few times because of inertia. His knees and his palms were bleeding.

"Hahahaha! Jiang Ziheng, you are really a loser. Why are you running if you have come to kill me?!" Wang Gang, who had just flung Baili Qingfeng away, laughed.

As his feet exerted strength, the porcelain floor broke, and he jerked with the counterforce like an arrow, with a speed of…

Over 30 meters per second!

"Whoever stands in my way shall die!"

Wang Gang hit the man with a gun in front of him in the face. Immediately, the man was hurled away like a cannonball. Baili Qingfeng could even see the invisible ripples in the air.


Blown up!

The shape of a fist collapsed on the man's chest. All his ribs broke. The violent force penetrated through his body and burst out from his back, tearing his clothes apart. Then…

He ended up exactly like Baili Qingfeng…


He was much worse.

Baili Qingfeng was thrown six meters away, but he hit a wall after flying three meters and cracked it. Blood mixed with his internal organs spurted out of his mouth…

He could not live.

It was the first time that Baili Qingfeng had seen a dead man in the thirty years of his two lives.

A dead man who was punched to death right before him, no less.

As a good student who knew physics well, he understood that it required a force of 1,000N to break someone's ribs, but the wound on the man obviously could not just be explained by pure force.

Was the guy a monster?


Was it martial arts?

Wang Gang was gone.

He had left, chasing after Jiang Ziheng.

Somebody was speaking on the phone in the other direction, "Send an ambulance. Yes, a hate battle between martial fighters… There's a bystander who was hurt by Wang Gang. I'm afraid we have to prepare for his burial…" The voices soon went far away.

Baili Qingfeng lay there for a while. With all his broken bones, it was a rather heavy wound.

It would probably take him a few days to recover, right?

Should he go to the hospital?

That would be too much trouble.

Therefore, Baili Qingfeng, who was presumed dead, got back on his feet, shivering. Although his shoulder was still aching, he knew it was a good sign, a sign that his wound was getting better.

Baili Qingfeng stopped before the middle-aged man who had been killed.

A dead man…

But he was not scared.

A real man should never be intimidated by death.

Not to mention that he could not die at all.

He observed the man for a while.

"Is he from a special department of the state, or maybe the Dragon Group? Is he a martial arts master or the heir of a secluded sect?" Baili Qingfeng observed for half a minute until he could hear alarms from the entrance of the alley.

He did not stay any longer and left.

At the entrance of the alley, he saw a few doctors hurrying in with a stretcher.

Since Baili Qingfeng looked perfectly fine, they did not even bother looking at him.

Baili Qingfeng's house was not far away up ahead. It was in an old building in an old district, but he would become rich with the government's compensation when the area was repurposed.

While walking those three hundred meters, the scratches on his hands and his knees healed. By the time he returned to his house, no scars could be seen, as if he hadn't been wounded at all.

He had brought his amazing recovery abilities to his new life after his reincarnation.

"I'm back." Baili Qingfeng greeted after entering the house.

"You're back. How was your job hunting?" His father, Baili Hong, greeted him from the kitchen.

"It was a company that sold health products with no quality assurance. I don't think it's reliable."

"If you really find it boring, go sign up for a training class. It's unnecessary to work during the summer holiday."

"I'll try for a while longer. I'll go to the training class if I can't find a job." As he spoke, Baili Qingfeng changed his shoes, went to his bedroom, and lay on his bed.

His shoulders began to sting. Baili Qingfeng's resistance to pain was remarkable thanks to his craziness when he was little. He did not bother to think about it since it would be fine soon.

Lying on his bed with his eyes wide open, Baili Qingfeng was thinking about something else.

"I was just an ignorant student who happened to pass by the alley, but the man named Jiang Ziheng pushed me to block the way. Wang Gang, who was blocked by me, burst into fury and tried to kill me, didn't he? He could've just asked me to get out of the way, couldn't he?" He couldn't find an answer.

He felt the suffocation and his instinctive shudder when the man named Wang Gang punched him again.

He really thought he would die.

For Wang Gang, he was as humble as…

An ant.

An ant that could be crushed easily.

Therefore, the man did not ask him to get out of the way but simply punched him, just like people wouldn't move ants or wait for them to crawl away when the ants were on their way, but simply stepped on them.

"Death… If he had punched me in the head without being affected by the gunshot, would I have died?" Baili Qingfeng could not get rid of that question.

Wang Gang was the only man who made him smell the scent of death. The shock was so strong that it stuck in his head. He could not help but consider the question repeatedly.

Would I have died?

The question…

Only Wang Gang could answer it.

Baili Qingfeng rolled over and over on the bed.

Half an hour, one hour, two hours, three hours later…

"This world is getting interesting."

Baili Qingfeng sat up.

"Since I was reborn, I have always wanted to be a peace-loving student of manners and integrity so I would deserve the people who I disappointed in my previous life. However, I was involved in a battle that I had nothing to do with. One party used me to block the way, and the other party wanted me dead. Now, my heart is in a mess, because of my curiosity towards the mysteries of death! I long for death because I cannot die, but every man should learn to cherish life. Now that I've been reborn, I should cherish this opportunity and lead a good life… As for those people who mess with my mind…"

Confront them!

Confront them fearlessly!

Wang Gang and Jiang Ziheng…

"Since they wanted to kill me, I'll kill them."

"You will practice martial arts?"

On the dinner table…

Baili Hong, who had just heated the food, and Baili Die - his sister who had just got off work, looked at Baili Qingfeng in shock.

"You want to practice martial arts?"


Baili Qingfeng nodded. "I want to do something during the long holiday, so I've decided to practice martial arts."

"That's not a bad idea. It can build up your body and allow you to protect yourself. You can go to Sanshun Town to meet your second-grandpa [1. Second grandpa is grandpa's younger brother.] He's good at martial arts and has taught quite a few apprentices."

"Alright." Baili Qingfeng nodded.

"Right, both of you should be more careful. Someone from work told me that a bunch of fugitives have run into our city. If you find anyone odd, do not observe or enrage them. It's said that those fugitives are involved in murder cases. We civilians should not mess with them." Baili Hong reminded them.

"The alarms rang for a long time from the west side today. Have they been caught?" Baili Die asked.

The company she worked in was next to the place.

"Who knows? The world is getting increasingly chaotic. A war between the Iron Empire and the Lenka Empire has broken out. Tensions between the Kingdom of Shea and the Aurora Empire are also building. There's no telling if another war will take place, but we should all be more careful," Baili Hong said.

Baili Qingfeng said nothing. He did not tell his father and his sister he met the ferocious fugitives that afternoon and was even punched by them.

Although his father and his sister were not his original family, he had developed some feelings for them, living together with them for a year after he reincarnated.


Feelings are the most incomprehensible things.

They could be both warm and encouraging, yet hurtful and destructive.