Double Kill

The Jiang family had risen since the independence of the Kingdom of Shea. The three brothers of the family established a huge enterprise in Sumen City. They were known as Three Talents of Jiang.

In recent years, the Jiang brothers worked on legitimate business. They established the Jiang Martial Arts Club and recruited a dozen disciples. All of them were famous in Sumen City. Jiang Ziheng, the leader of the club, was even the special consultant of the police department.

Baili Qingfeng walked to the Jiang Martial Arts Club.

Although it was called a club, it was actually located in an alley in the old district.

Anybody who approached the club needed to pass an alley over fifty meters. Strangers would be carefully observed.

It was exactly the case for Baili Qingfeng. Two frivolous men at the entrance of the valley gazed at him for quite a while as if he were a toy. It was rather uncomfortable.


At that moment, a car honked at the entrance.

A middle-aged man got out of the vehicle and walked to the club with a muscular man.

Baili Qingfeng, who was going to the club, stopped after he saw the man.


What a coincidence.

It was Jiang Ziheng.

The middle-aged man who got off was exactly Jiang Ziheng, the leader of the Jiang Martial Arts Club and a level-two martial fighter, who shoved him to Wang Gang in Wuhe City one and a half months ago.

Baili Qingfeng stood and watched the man.

The two men who had been staring at Baili Qingfeng also stood straight and greeted the newcomer respectfully, "Master Jiang."

Jiang Ziheng nodded and entered the alley saying nothing in return.

The muscular man followed him. When he saw Baili Qingfeng who was standing in the middle of the way, he stared at him and said coldly, "Brat, you are blocking the way."

"Oh? Are you suggesting that I should move aside?" Baili Qingfeng said.


The man narrowed his eyes. "You are a bold brat."

Without being instructed, the two frivolous men who were eager to distinguish themselves in front of Jiang Ziheng rushed over. One of them kicked Baili Qingfeng in the chest and yelled, "Damn you little bas*ard, how dare you speak to Brother Long in such a way? Go to hell!"

The kick was rather strong and aimed at the chest. It would probably not kill the enemy, but a few ribs would inevitably be broken.

The guy was a seasoned street fighter.


Baili Qingfeng stepped forward and moved sideways. While avoiding the man's kick, he raised his right fist hand, clenched it, and exerted power from his spine, before it fell unstoppably and hit the kicking man's chest!


Bones were broken.

The overwhelming force seemed to have knocked through the man's chest. Two of his ribs were broken and the remaining momentum smashed him into the ground…


The man was thrown backward. His head hit the ground and bled hard. He immediately passed out in pain.

His partner was instantly shocked. Meantime, the muscular man called Brother Long grew solemn. "Fist vibe? A martial fighter? Who are you? Do you not know whose territory this is?"

Instead of replying, Baili Qingfeng looked forward and said, "Jiang Ziheng."


Jiang Ziheng looked at Baili Qingfeng and found him familiar. Soon, his eyes widened. "You… were not dead?!"

He seemed to remember him now!

Then, the man smiled in disdain, "If you are not dead, try to live. Why, you are here to stir trouble?"

Saying nothing, Baili Qingfeng sprinted at Jiang Ziheng.

"How bold!"

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng was obviously here for Jiang Ziheng, the muscular man roared and pounced at him like a leopard. Before he arrived, a brutal and bloody air was already coming.

The man…

He had killed people before!

Baili Qingfeng slightly lowered his body, turning his back into a bent bow. The moment before he collided into the muscular man, a force rose from his feet and surged into the curved spine. When the spine was straightened, the most violent vibe was gathered and blown out by Baili Qingfeng's fist in a straight line like a sharp sword unsheathed.

Piercing sword!

It was exactly the piercing sword that Baili Qingfeng practiced over three thousand times every day!

Three thousand times each day for one and a half months, he had practiced it so many times that his fist vibe pierced through the air after he punched. It tore apart the air between himself and the muscular man and transfixed his chest.

"Watch out, Ah Long!"

Jiang Ziheng had changed his face when Baili Qingfeng wielded his fist as a sword. He roared and tried to block Baili Qingfeng.

However, having practiced more than a hundred thousand times, Baili Qingfeng was too fast to be stopped by any expert on the same level.

The muscular man who lunged at Baili Qingfeng had already been hit by Baili Qingfeng's sword before he showed his toughness.


The penetrative power burst out.

The clothes on the man's chest and back were ripped into shreds. His ribs had been broken, his heart cracked. The enormous inertial blew him backward and made him fly nonstop until…

Three meters away!

It could almost compare to the man who was killed by Wang Gang's outburst.

"Little bas*ard, if Wang Gang didn't kill you, I will!"

Before Baili Qingfeng checked the specific conditions of the muscular man, Jiang Ziheng had already charged at him in appalling fury.

"Dragon Spirit!"

As he punched, a dragon seemed to be roaring from around his fist, and he also turned from a martial fighter into a fearsome dragon. Together with the powerful image that he had built up in Baili Qingfeng's head recently, he already suppressed his enemy.

"Vibe intimidation? I can do that too!"

A hideous and brutal Primeval Thunder Beast in Baili Qingfeng's spiritual world was immediately summoned and burst out of his raging eyes unstoppably.


A thunder almost rumbled in Jiang Ziheng's head. He was so shocked that his movement stopped and fear emerged in his heart!

It was like a mortal encountering a natural disaster!

"Not good! It's the fist vibe! The fist vibe based on the spirit!"

Dreading the move, Jiang Ziheng concentrated his willpower, trying to drive the fear away.

Then, Baili Qingfeng strode out again. When he stepped forward, all his bones were cracking. The forces breaking out of his body had already hurt his muscles, but the pain was not worth mentioning for him.

After he approached Jiang Ziheng, power burst out beneath his feet. His right foot seemed to be dragging a sword on the ground which rose and integrated into the spine. When it swam to the shoulder, it was accommodated by the arm and punched out brutally.


The air was collapsing.

It was another piercing sword that looked like a piercing sword!

Fearless and invincible!


Their fists crashed in midair the hard way.

One of them was confident and carried the most steely force, and the other was shocked and intimidated, the determination gone.

The outcome was settled instantly.


Bones were broken!

They were not only Jiang Ziheng's bones.

Multiple parts of Baili Qingfeng's hand had also cracked.

Violent forces would damage himself as much as it damaged his opponent in a collision.


One of them cracked, and the other was broken.

The penetrative force shattered Jiang Ziheng's fist, broke through his palm, and further blew into his ulna and radius. The ulna was dislocated under the brunt of the force and stuck out of the skin from the elbow. Jiang Ziheng couldn't help but exclaim under the excruciating pain.


The exclamation echoed in the alley.

"Die!" Baili Qingfeng roared thunderously, trying to tear the gloomy burden on his heart during the last one and a half months into shreds.

After his right fist broke Jiang Ziheng's momentum, he raised his left hand which seemed to be another hidden sword on his waist. As he turned his waist, it slashed the enemy from one side with a powerful wind.


The most common slash!

However, even the most common slash would still be as rapid as thunder after forty thousand times of practice!


When it hit the neck!


Jiang Ziheng's neck suddenly slanted under the force. The sound of the spine being broken could be heard. The enormous force of the slash made him lose his balance and smash into the ground.


His body hit the ground heavily.

"You… How is it possible…"

Jiang Ziheng stared at Baili Qingfeng, his eyes bulging.

He remembered that one and a half months ago, the guy was only a passer-by who knew nothing about martial arts, but after only one and a half months, the guy was already able to defeat him in a head-on clash!?

It was too absurd. Shouldn't all the martial fighters be too ashamed to live?!

It was a shame that his spine had already been broken by Baili Qingfeng. The fractured nerves had paralyzed the torso below his neck and made it barely possible for him to breathe.

"H… Help me…" Jiang Ziheng struggled to say.

Baili Qingfeng looked at him saying nothing.

He stared at the man.

He watched the shock and hate in the man's eyes be replaced with fear, shock and desperation until nothing could be seen anymore.

Jiang Ziheng was dead.