


At the door of the instrument store…

Baili Qingfeng and Gu Lingying bid each other farewell, carrying a guqin and a flute, respectively.

"Brother Qingfeng, come and visit us when you have time. My name is Qin Lanshan," Qin Lanshan said happily.

"I hope that you can hear your performance again." Yun Shengyan, the owner of the store, also smiled.

"I will." Baili Qingfeng looked at Gu Lingying.

"Of course. Shire and Blue Ocean are close after all." Gu Lingying smiled.

Qin Lanshan waved her hands regretfully, and they parted ways. Baili Qingfeng carried his suitcase and walked to Shire University with Gu Le.

"It's true that talents equal popularity. Tell me about it. Which one do you prefer, Qin Lanshan or Gu Lingying?" On their way back, Gu Le said in admiration.

"Haven't you always been asking the secrets to my good grades?"

"I know that you must have tricks. Are you willing to tell me now?" Gu Le's eyes glittered.

"I always remind myself that there are many people in this world who are taller, more handsome, wealthier and more talented than me. What can I do to compete with them except working hard?"

"I…" Gu Le opened his mouth, only to come up with nothing.

Baili Qingfeng and Gu Le returned to the university.

Baili Qingfeng was in the Department of Sociology. His dream was to become a thinker and a philosopher who shared his thoughts with other people. Naturally, professional knowledge was necessary.

His other roommates, Momil and Buttu - one white and the other black - had already arrived at the dormitory.

The four were not as close as other people thought. They were friends who would just greet each other. Although they had spent a year together, they were only slightly more familiar with each other.

Baili Qingfeng cleaned his bed and sorted his things. It was already 1 PM when he was done.

He went to a restaurant outside the school instead of the cafeteria for lunch. It was less than a hundred meters from the gate.

Since he offered to treat him, Gu Le naturally followed.

During lunch, there were noises coming from outside. Then, they saw students running out and gathering in indignity. It was quite a fuss.

"I'll see what's going on," he said to Baili Qingfeng and joined the crowd. Gu Le could never stay behind.

By the time Baili Qingfeng finished his meal, Gu Le had returned in fury. "Qingfeng, let's go. We have to help with the fight. Those international students from Aurora are too blatant. They should all go to hell."

"What happened?" Baili Qingfeng poured his leftovers into the trash bin unhurriedly.

"Come here!" Gu Le seemed too angry to talk. He led Baili Qingfeng out.

Somewhere not far away, several hundred people had gathered. However, they were not as noisy as before.

"Beat! Beat them!"

"That's too arrogant! You animals are in Shea! Get out of our place!" Vaguely, some onlookers were shouting.

At this moment, Baili Qingfeng saw what was happening inside the circle.

A masculine white man was standing cockily with two other people. Over ten people were lying before him, moaning in blood. Among them, a man with long hair had a broken arm, and a broken foot. The pain seemed excruciating.

"What's going on?"

"The animal did it!"

Although many people had gathered, most were only watching the show. Now that over ten people had been beaten, none of them dared to move forward.

Seeing this, Russel scoffed at them disdainfully. "What's wrong? Too scared to fight? Then get lost!"

"How arrogant of you!" An enraged man with the ten friends demanded, "You are provoking all of us. Apologize if you don't want to be beaten!"

"Apologize?" Russel looked at the man and eventually said, "Garbage!"

"You are saying that I'm garbage?"

"No, you're wrong!" Russel looked around aggressively. "I'm not saying just you; I'm saying that everybody here is garbage!"

"Damn it!"

"Beat him! Beat him!"

"You are not leaving this place without a stretcher!"

Insulted, the man roared and charged forward with his friends.

However, it was obvious that Russel knew martial arts. His opponent might have worked out often and even grasped a few moves, but the gap between them was still too huge.

Russel stepped forward and trembled. A force emerged from his feet and surged out of his arms like a flooding river, hitting the man in the chest.


The noises of ribs being broken echoed.

The man, who was running fast, was thrown backward at an even higher speed, knocking over a few bystanders.

However, young people never lacked courage.

Led by the man, the already furious students squeezed forward together. Russel was almost drowned by them.


On one side were the common students who had nothing but courage; on the other side were experts adept at martial arts…

Furthermore, they seemed to be level two martial fighters. So, the result was obvious…

All the students flew back.

Those ordinary people almost collapsed the moment Russel's fist touched them. Also, the man used great force. Many people broke their hands and legs. Although it was a mess, most screams came from the ordinary students. Russel and his companions were barely injured in their battle formation.

"Qingfeng, let's kill those bas*ards!" Gu Le was also enraged. Shouting, he was about to join the fight.

"Don't go. The police are coming." Baili Qingfeng looked at the cars that were coming to over and said, "The battle can't last. Let's go. You don't want to get caught."