
"Qingfeng, it's been a month. What's your progress in martial arts?" Baili Tianxing and Baili Qingfeng chatted in the hospital.

"Not bad."

"That's good. You must not be hasty in martial arts. One step at a time. It's important to build the foundation well. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do."

"I told your grandpa that you can earn plenty of money by writing songs in your spare time. That's why he gave you the prescription for the nurturing bath. Spend your money on nothing other than the nurturing bath. Nothing except your strength really matters. If you become a war-level fighter, even those princes will have to treat you as an honorable guest."

"Is war level so strong?"


Baili Tianxing smiled. "If you nurture your soul and make it powerful, your sense of danger will sharpen, and you can even evade bullets. But if dozens of people shoot at you simultaneously, you will still die, because there are too many bullets to evade. However, the war level is different."

Baili Qingfeng listened solemnly.

"War-level experts develop internal breath. There are two ways to apply internal breath. The first is to polish and fortify the body to where one may carry hundreds of kilograms without breaking a sweat. Can you imagine the domination of a war-level expert adept with guns and at mecha arts, equipped with a special suit, and carries a machine gun in one hand with a hundred kilogram of ammunitions in the battlefield?" Baili Tianxing paused for a moment. "Along with that, their soul is so powerful that they can sense the bullets approaching and avoid them in advance."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment…

Such monsters seemed unkillable except by blanket bombardment. If they attacked at night, one of them was enough to destroy a regiment.

Infrasound weapons?

High-power microwave weapons?

Electromagnetic pulse weapons?

Such technologies were not yet mature in this world.

"Besides building up the body, internal breath can also be stored inside the body to be condensed until a breakout at the critical moment. Although the breakout cannot last, the martial fighter is capable of unimaginable things during it, say, running at sixty meters per second or knocking over a tank. Who can defend against the assassinations of such experts?!"

Baili Qingfeng nodded in agreement.

Such beings…

They could ignore natural laws to some extent.

No wonder national departments always came to every war-level expert immediately after they distinguished themselves. If they shouldered more duties, their positions would rise quickly, and they could become generals after making slight contributions, becoming a part of the leadership of Shea.

"Qingfeng, I have already passed my prime years, and it is impossible for me to gather my spirit and willpower to condense internal breath. But you are different… You have great gifts. The war level is not just a dream for you. So, you needn't bother about anything else. After you reach the war level, all the scoundrels will be gone!"

"Got it." Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Baili Changkong never said these things to Baili Ruoshui and Baili Ruoxue because it was pointless, but Baili Qingfeng…

He was different.

After Baili Tianxing was done talking, he took out a bankbook and gave it to his nephew.


"Take it." Baili Tianxing said, "Martial arts comes with a lot of expenses. The Rumbling Thunder Thirty-Six Moves is a great consumer of body energy. If you don't refill it soon, your health may be weakened later. Take this and buy something good to eat in case your body breaks down."

"The Rumbling Thunder Thirty-Six Moves is a great consumer of body energy? My body may break down?"

Baili Qingfeng was stunned.

He had never sensed anything.

Was it because…

He had practiced too few times every day to feel exhausted?

In that case, he had to double the time allotted for his martial arts exercises.

Fifty times a day were indeed too few. He should try a hundred times.

Baili Qingfeng eventually accepted the bankbook.

There were sixty thousand dollars in the account.

Baili Qingfeng thought his eyes were deceiving him, but it was indeed sixty thousand after he checked again.

His uncle had saved sixty thousand dollars after several years of work…

Martial arts was not an entirely hopeless career after all.

With the bankbook in his pocket, Baili Qingfeng went home.

"You're back, Qingfeng?"

Baili Die was at home. She was happy to see Baili Qingfeng. "I was about to visit you at your school if you still hadn't returned."

"What's wrong?"

"Read this." Baili Die gave him a newspaper. "Half a month ago, An Yixun's new album was published and well-received. The media highly praised the song you wrote. Watt called me a week ago and wanted you to write more songs. He's willing to pay a high price for them."

"A high price?"

Considering that he still needed forty thousand dollars to buy the herbs for the nurturing bath, Baili Qingfeng nodded his head. "No problem. I'll write ten songs in a while."

"T-Ten songs?" Baili Die was stunned. She hesitated a bit before she finally said, "Qingfeng, things are more precious when they are rare. I don't think it's good to write ten songs at a time…"

"Are you worried about the quality?"

"They said that they were only willing to pay for high quality… If all the ten songs are bad, they may buy the songs to show respect, but I don't think they will ever cooperate with us again. It will be difficult for you to become a music producer…"

"Just wait until I finish," Baili Qingfeng said.

Then, he went upstairs and took his notebook out of the drawer. Then, he wrote ten songs with no stop.

After that, he gave Baili Die his works. "Look at them."

"You've finished?" Baili Qingfeng took Baili Qingfeng's notebook. Holding it and looking at him solemnly and with a heavy heart, she said, "Qingfeng, you are becoming overconfident."

"Just read them first." Baili Qingfeng then went upstairs and turned on his computer.

He had planned to search for the seller of those herbs, but he eventually came to Storm of Swords and posted a thread looking for the herbs.

What he demanded were the herbs needed for the nurturing bath.

After posting the thread, he remembered the power of Demonic Dissolution that he had been practicing recently, so he sent another message.

"I'm hoping to buy the Evil Annihilation Sword Art. Price is negotiable."


Half a minute later, he received a message from Worldly Boy whom he talked to before.

"Hengjiang, you want to buy herbs?"

"That's right!"

"Great! I'm your guy! My family runs an herb store, and I am short of allowances. I can get all your herbs. How much do you want?"

"What's the price?"

"A hundred thousand, but since we met on Storm of Swords because of fate, I'll give you a ten percent discount."

"Ninety percent."


Worldly Boy was silent for quite a while as if shocked by his intimidating way of negotiating prices. It was not until a long time later that he finally said, "You are one hell of a haggler. For the sake of coming from the same state, I'll give you a twenty percent discount at most. I'll suffer losses if the price is any lower."

"Eighty percent!"

"Thirty percent! This is already the extreme price that I can offer. One buck lower, and my dad will kill me. Do you think I will sell you the herbs at such a low price at the risk of being beaten to death by my dad?"

"Seventy percent, plus a brokerage of twenty thousand bucks for you."
