
The sixth level of the Thunderous Juggernaut Method was evolution.

It was also known as Marvelous Change.

It was not as impressive as divinity revelation but it allowed the mind to control and stimulate the body cells so that the internal organs could function at an optimum level. Under the modification, the body would turn flawless.

This happened in the later stages of martial arts too. The martial fighters at such levels could live a very long life because of their perfect body.

However, they highlighted different things and could build each other up.

"It took me one and a half months to reach the fifth level from the fourth, and half a year from the fifth to the sixth… Considering the trend, will it take me a year to reach the seventh level and thirty years until I reach the tenth?"

It was too slow.

Baili Qingfeng was regretful.

He was not very talented after all and he did not have great techniques. If only he could accidentally pick up a marvelous art as other protagonists did…


The protagonists who picked up marvelous arts were often exceptional at being taunted. Even the dying people at hospitals would provoke him after they sensed him. He would be caught in all kinds of trouble. He preferred his current peaceful life to that.

"Now that I'm at the sixth level of the Thunderous Juggernaut Method, I can control my organs, muscles, and even cells precisely…"

Baili Qingfeng tried controlling his breath.

There were intercostal muscles and diaphragm muscles in a man's chest. When they expanded, the volume of the lungs expanded, causing the air pressure in the lungs to be lower than the outside atmospheric pressure. The exchange allowed the body to inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.

Then, the intercostal and diaphragm muscles contracted, the lungs shrank, and the internal air pressure in the lungs increased, which was greater than the external air pressure and expelled gas from the body.

Every breath was taken through the process of expansion and construction.

Now, Baili Qingfeng precisely controlled the expansion of his lungs, his intercostal and diaphragm muscles to stop the breath, and then…

He nearly choked himself!

"Hu! Hu!"

Baili Qingfeng gave up control of his lungs and breathed hard, blushing slightly.

Although the attempt seemed pointless, it indirectly proved that…

Nobody could kill himself by holding their breath.

When the brain lacked oxygen, the mind would be hazy, and natural instincts would force the lungs to breathe making it impossible for one to smother oneself.

However, he didn't know if that was possible after natural instincts were overridden using Demonic Dissolution.

He spent the night training and studying.

It was a Saturday.

There was a class on the history of colonization.

Baili Qingfeng ditched it with no hesitation.

Cleaning up in front of the mirror, he carried his guqin and left for the musical instruments store nearby.

When Baili Qingfeng was about to reach the alley where the store was located, he saw three people walking out of it.

Baili Qingfeng knew all the three of them.

They were Gu Le, Gu De, and Su Wei.

The three of them were obviously shocked when they saw Baili Qingfeng. Their faces were pale.

Baili Qingfeng nodded at Gu Le, his roommate for more than a year, politely and walked on.

However, Gu Le summoned his courage and called Baili Qingfeng.


"Is there anything I can help you with?" Baili Qingfeng said calmly.

"I…" Gu Le looked at Baili Qingfeng in fear. "I'm sorry. I… I shouldn't have badmouthed you."

Gu De and Su Wei also neared and stuttered, "Mr. Qingfeng, we apologize for our inappropriate words the other day. Please don't be offended…"

In the meantime, Su Wei gave him a small bag. "This… This is our compensation… Please don't hold a grudge against us…"

The shivering arm and the haggard face were not nearly as impressive as a few days ago when he commented on Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng looked at them and recalled how he had met them the other night. He figured out why they were apologizing despite their fear. He was not scared that they would divulge it.


Nobody would believe them.

"Let bygones be bygones. I never take such trivia to heart." Baili Qingfeng looked at the three of them calmly. Considering that Gu Le was rash when he was his roommate, he said solemnly, "However, you need to know what should and shouldn't be said. I'm generous enough to let it go, but not everybody is the same. Some bad guys I met before were so temperamental that they tried to kill me when I stood in their way. If you badmouth such people, you wouldn't know how you die."

Gu De and Su Wei remembered the body they saw at the construction site and immediately thought Baili Qingfeng was warning them not to leak the incident, or he would kill them. So, their faces became even paler, and their body trembled.

"Got it. Got it. We won't say a word."

"That's right. I swear to god that if I say anything, I'm willing to be struck by a lightning!" The two of them hurried to make vows.

"That's good." Baili Qingfeng nodded in satisfaction now that they listened to his instruction.

He wanted to be a good student with integrity. Naturally, he wanted those around him to be as decent as him.

"Mr. Qingfeng, please do accept our gift, or we won't be able to sleep."

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng was about to leave, Su Wei hurried to move forward and hand over the bag.

"That's unnecessary." Baili Qingfeng pushed the bag back. "Although I'm poor and I have to work in my spare time to cover my expenses, I cannot accept your money."


"Until next time," Baili Qingfeng said and left.

"He… He did not accept it…" Watching Baili Qingfeng to leave, Su Wei was still pale. "He's not holding grudges and unwilling to let us go, right?"

Gu Le gritted his teeth. "I don't think so. I've known Baili Qingfeng for a year. He does not seem so petty…"

"You know him very well after a year? Did you believe that he would kill people?"

"Well…" Gu Le was at a loss for words.

For ordinary people like them, street fights were the most they would do. As for killing…

It was something beyond their imagination.

"Three thousand is not enough." At this moment, Gu De suddenly said, "Baili Qingfeng does not care about three thousand bucks. Let's increase it to ten thousand and ask Gu Le to deliver it to him. You were roommates. He would probably accept the money for your sake and let go of the issue."

"Ten thousand?!" Su Wei shuddered. "Where can I find ten thousand?"

"Do you prefer to be killed? Baili Qingfeng said that he had to work in his spare time, but he refused your money. Isn't his implication obvious? Each of us will pay half of the ten thousand. We have to gather enough money whatever it takes!" Gu De said and heaved a long sigh. "Better to lose money than to lose life."

Su Wei nodded, almost crying.

He really shouldn't have pissed off the wrong guy.