Flooded With Gifts

"Why is it so short?!"

Long Aotian could not sit still any longer. He started pacing back and forth with his phone in hand.

'I've just only got myself immersed in your story. My passion barely showed signs of boiling. I've even rolled up my sleeves. Yet you just ended?!'

The feeling of being hung out to dry almost drove Long Aotian nuts.

He wanted to rush to the author's house and interrogate him about how the plot would develop. Otherwise, he would suffer from insomnia. His life was at stake!

He felt as though he was forcefully cut off after he lowered his pants.

"Damn it, no wonder Claim A Mountain, Be A King stopped updating. This book was too f*cking interesting. Once started, it's almost impossible to back out of!"

Long Aotian could not curb the stirring of his heartfelt desires. He had read countless books, but never once did they make him react that way.