Surging Popularity!

Wind-Heat Syndrome Flu was the most frightening existence that autumn, and with the advent of the news articles surfacing amongst the public, it appeared as though the disease was defeated.

"There's a cure?!"

When that particular piece of news popped up on the public's mobile phone, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be some sensational rumor or merely a medical advertisement?

Doubts aside, they clicked on the news.

Catching their attention was a large picture, the location of which was Metropolis Hospital's treatment room. The quarantine area for ​​Wind-Heat Syndrome Flu was also included in the shot besides the room.

As could be seen from the photos, many who had fallen into despair were smiling with hope.

Scrolling downward, there were two photos for comparison.

One was a picture of a sick child, and the other was a picture of the same child-eating. The child's complexion in the latter picture was much better!