Monthly Vote Challenge!

Backstage, Chen Xiaoyan hesitated for some time but finally gave chase through gritted teeth. By then, Ye Lingchen and Jia Di were already getting in the car.

"Grandmaster Jia, please wait a moment."

Jia Di and Ye Lingchen both halted. 

Chen Xiaoyan ran up to them. "Grandmaster Jia, can you please tell me why you helped me out today?"

With that, she shifted her gaze and locked onto Ye Lingchen.

"Hello Miss Chen. I'm Vatti's guest designer, Ye Lingchen," Ye Lingchen introduced himself casually before Jia Di could reply.

"H-h-hello," Chen Xiaoyan stuttered.

"I have a friend that talked about you. It's just a small favor."

"Can you tell me what's the name of your friend?" Chen Xiaoyan stared at Ye Lingchen with anticipation, her eyes glowing.

"I'm sorry. He specifically told me to keep it a secret," Ye Lingchen replied with a smile.