I Had a Thought

The importance of knowledge was unquestionable. It was a fundamental principle that knowledge must be valued and protected.

Ye Lingchen, being the prodigy that he was, absolutely did not allow knowledge to be humiliated in such a manner!

The group of people looked at Ye Lingchen in confusion before exchanging glances with each other. They had doubts all over the face and Ye Lingchen did not say a word for quite some time.

The housekeeper gave Ye Lingchen a careful look. "Boss, you..."

"I have a thought." Ye Lingchen suddenly said.

"Boss, what thought?"

"Boss, we all listened to you?"

"Are we going all out? I knew we couldn't just leave like that!"

The crowd below murmured between themselves and looked at Ye Lingchen.

"We surrender!"



The entire place was deathly silent!

Everyone was stunned. They stood in a daze for some time with a stunned expression on their faces.