
Ye Lingchen's voice was not too loud and he spoke as calmly as the water's surface, yet an inexplicable strength was present as it resounded in everyone's ears.

'Debasement is the password of the base, nobility the epitaph of the noble!'

The first sentence alone shook the audience like thunder, silencing everyone. For a while, the clamor on the scene died down and they all looked at Ye Lingchen.

It was poetry! Modern poetry!

God Ye knew how to create poetry?

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Lingchen used a modern poem to answer the interviewer's questions, and the title of that poem was called The Answer!

Ye Lingchen was, without a doubt, the main character there. Even Hyun-Min Kim's diehard fans stopped cursing and wanted to hear what he had to say!

Zhao Liangying looked over!

So did Chen Xiaoyan!