
At the same time, the entire Stick Nation's network descended into chaos once more.

The Y-virus was no longer making its own link, but instead lodging itself into the links on other sites.

At first everyone had learned their lesson not to click on those weird new links. However, they habitually clicked into familiar links like Baidu, Google, and some other trusted sites. Nevertheless, they were still affected.

The Stick Nation…

The Computing Center was once again forced to sound the S-grade alarm. 

The Y-virus was suspected to have mutated and spread once again. They originally thought they have finally found a way to get rid of it. However, renewing the virus database was of no help. This time, the announcement warned the Stick Nation's citizens not to enter any websites, even the official websites!

Unfortunately, the warning came too late. The current Y-virus caught them off guard and countless people already fell for that trick!