Resident Evil: Otherworld Edition

Xi Wei was naturally paying attention to what unraveled in the Trinia Forests.

At first, he thought that the Players had once again found another monster from some desolate corner and didn't pay much attention. After all, the devil's powers had fallen considerably after a thousand years being kept behind a seal, though a supernatural being it may be. It would only be equally matched with the young Barren Giant the Players encountered before, let alone the Marsh Drake of the Seira Marshes.

Moreover, the Players had changed now. No longer their past helpless selves back when they encountered the Barren Giant, they had gone through so many battles, leveling and item strengthening that it would take just fifty of them to slay that Barren Giant.

Therefore, from Xi Wei's perspective, even though there were less than a hundred Players rushing to Trinia to join the fight against the devil, their victory was assured as long as they didn't allow it to escape.