Looking for Cao Yiting

Hearing Li Tian's words, Su Jin's entire body trembled. She stood still for a second before she slowly walked towards Lin Yi's office.

Li Tian also walked in calmly and left after briefly explaining the situation.

The words he said just now were a little overbearing. The main reason was that he was very unhappy when he heard Su Jin say that a man had given her a gift.

Even though he was unhappy, his main goal now was to think about what he was going to do tonight.

Well, it was just a matter of eating. He didn't forget that Lin Yi had asked him to perform tonight.

It was obvious that it was Vermillion Bird who had spread the news. Li Tian was tone-deaf, and with the kind of living environment he used to live in, there was no way he would have the chance to sing. Lin Yi had done it on purpose to make a fool of him.

Although the punishment was light, Li Tian didn't want to show it in front of Li Sheng Nan.