Chapter 448-I'm not a good person

"You'll drive,"

Li Tian had no choice but to let Su Jin drive, because Cao Yiting kept pestering him like an octopus. It was impossible to shake her off.

"Alright, I'll drive."

After walking out of the bar, Su Jin's anxious heart finally settled down. Right now, she just wanted to quickly hand Cao Yiting over to Cao Hua. If she left Cao Yiting alone in the hotel, she wouldn't feel at ease.

However, when she was about to contact Cao Hua, she was told that his phone had been turned off.

As she looked at Cao Yiting, who was lying on Li Tian's body, Su Jin suddenly realized that she was a little similar to herself. If she hadn't been adopted by Wang Ma when she was young, she would probably be a little girl living under someone else's roof at most. She wouldn't be able to live such a relaxed and comfortable life like she was now.