One condition

That's right, Li Tian had decided that he should sign a big star for glory World Pictures, and Fan Bing was undoubtedly the most suitable.

First of all, the other party had not signed a contract with any entertainment company. It could be said that there was no legal problem at all. Then, she was famous enough. It could be seen from her arrival at shengshi film and television City that even the staff here wanted to meet her.

One had to know that the staff of an entertainment company did not really chase after celebrities. If they were the ones chasing after a celebrity, it could only mean that the other party had a very high status.

However, Li Tian was worried that she wouldn't agree, so he tried to probe.

Of course, Fan Bing could also tell that Li Tian was not certain.

"What's wrong? Are you worried that I'll reject you?"