Chapter 474-opening up

"These ten pills don't look any different, but if you smell them carefully, they don't have that medicinal fragrance. That means the medicinal energy inside hasn't been successfully fused. The fragrance we smell comes from these two pills."

The ghost king placed all 12 pills in front of Li Tian and explained them to him.

It was just as the ghost king had said, only two of them were fragrant.

Then, the ghost king put the two pills in a Jade box and threw away the remaining ten pills.

"Those that weren't successful have no use at all. If ordinary people take it, it will form a slow-acting poison in their bodies to prevent chaos. So, after I refine pills, I will throw away all the useless pills."

The ghost king was worried that Li Tian didn't understand, so he explained.

"Yes, I am. I'll take these two and give them to her. Let's rest for a while and come back to refine the qi and blood pill during the day. "