Chapter 522-what kind of person is he?

Li Tian didn't want to mess with the Flying Tigers. They were a bunch of lunatics who would bite anyone they caught like mad Dogs.

The world's three great sects. Richard, the Flying Tigers of the United States, was one of the best. Their strength was only one aspect, and the other was that their Information Network was too advanced. It could be said that the Flying Tigers had the right to use almost all the intelligence agencies in the United States. If they wanted any information, they could get it in minutes.

Those who were targeted by the Flying Tigers could only wait for death.

Although Li Tian wasn't afraid, he didn't want to be watched all the time. It didn't feel good.

The six jounins continued to pester Li Tian, while the little ghost blocked Catherine at the door. The Flying Tigers had already arrived downstairs, and the situation wasn't looking good for Li Tian. He had to leave the room before the Flying Tigers arrived.