Chapter 566-a living person walking out of the cemetery

Li Tian tugged at Vermilion bird's arm, gesturing for her to quickly demonstrate. If she didn 't, they would both die.

Red Sparrow was embarrassed. Li Tian, you're so shameless that you even want me to accompany you.

However, there was nothing he could do. Fang Qing's sword was placed on Li Tian's neck. Li Tian had tried to get Fang Qing to move it away, but he failed.

Red Sparrow moved closer to Li Tian, and Li Tian put his arm around her shoulder and said,""Come, let's demonstrate. Teacher Fang, can you move the sword away and watch from the side for a while? If you ever want to join us, we'll always welcome you. "

Li Tian didn't care about Fang Qing's expression. As expected, all men were bad! This guy is nothing!

"If you don't want to die, stay here and don't move. If you dare to take one step forward, I will kill you in minutes!"