Chapter 757-exhausted

The street was about two thousand meters long, and when Li Tian and Lin Yi walked to the end of the street, they found a door.

It was a door that was similar to the secret room, with five words written on it: Everything was empty.

Without any hesitation, the two of them stepped through the door.

And then ...

The familiar scene appeared again. Yunlan mountain in your province.

The altar was right next to them.

As soon as he appeared, Li Tian touched the altar with his hand, and it felt real again.

He was still alive, and Lin Yi was still alive. What happened just now ... Was just a dream.

From the beginning to the end, the two of them had been inside that door. After walking out of that door, they had returned.

It was just that the door was harder to walk through than he had imagined, and it took longer.

A dream of a thousand years. The two of them hadn't eaten anything for the past few days, yet they were still alive.