The base is completed

Li Tian received a phone call after spending ten days at home.

The monk called, saying that the base was almost completed and asked him to come over.

Of course, Li Tian wouldn't reject her. He told Lin Yi about it, and Lin Yi decided to let Wei Zihan help out in the company for the next few days. This way, she wouldn't have to worry about Wei Zihan running around Jiangdu by herself.

It wasn't that Lin Yi was afraid of anything, but she knew how many enemies Li Tian had. She was sure that everyone in the villa had been thoroughly investigated. What if she caused trouble for Wei Zihan?

That day, Li Tian boarded Lin Yi's helicopter. There were no other flights to Siberia.

It would take about eight to nine hours for the helicopter to arrive, so Li Tian arrived in the afternoon.

However, the tarmac of the base had not been completed yet, so Li Tian had no choice but to land not far from red fox Mountain.