The Vermilion Bird is here?

Li Tian stayed in the cave for more than 60 hours. He realized that the speed of his inner Force's improvement was very slow. If he stayed any longer, there wouldn't be much of an effect. Also, he felt bad that Chen Ya Jing had to take the blame for him.

Therefore, he decided to leave. This place was indeed not bad. If he had the chance in the future, he would definitely come and stay for a while.

He had to leave this place as soon as possible. There was no signal on the satellite phone in such a deep place, so the ghost king's injuries might have almost recovered. Since he had already reached the fifth level of internal force, the initiative was in his hands. There was no need for him to ask the ghost king to look for some qi and blood pill.

However ... He didn't want to leave just yet. That place was simply too suitable for cultivation. He could use it for a few more months to see if he could reach the sixth level of internal force.