The preparations before departure

When they returned to their room, Lin Yi didn't ask what was going on. Li Tian threw the sleeping bag in his hand at the door of little ghost's room.

Who knew what this guy was thinking? even if he wanted it, he couldn't possibly do it in this world of Ice and snow.

He slept all the way until the next day. When the sun was about to rise, he made out with Lin Yi for a while.

Why did Lin Yi take the initiative? Lin Yi had heard about the monk's incident and was worried that Li Tian would be seduced by her, so she decided to help him vent his anger.

In short, this was a wife's worry for her husband ...

On that day, Li Tian was the busiest as he visited the various families, such as Li Heng’s family, li Shengnan, Cao Yiting, and Jiang Li.

He didn't need to take care of Tong Lingling and her sister for the time being. The two sisters were very self-aware and didn't talk much. They spent most of their time in their rooms.