Chapter 1156-what was supposed to come didn't come

Zhang Yadong left. Before he left, he even extorted Li Tian for a truck because the truck they drove out of the city was lost when they were escaping.

Li Tian felt that he had made a loss in this business deal. A truck was worth at least a few hundred crystal cores.

However, if he didn't give it to them, Zhang Yadong said that he would leave his people here for two months and provide them with food and accommodation. Two months 'consumption would be more than this, right?

Anyway, there were still a lot of trucks, so he just had to get a new one and modify it.

Li Tian had sent people to bring over all the useful things within a dozen miles. There were a lot of metal and tools, and they were all piled up in the makeshift houses outside.

Not to mention dozens of trucks, the finished goods of the trucks, just the parts could be assembled into a few more cars.