Chapter 1180-crisis

That night, Li Tian went to Lin Yi's room to flirt with her. However, Lin Yi's mind was filled with concern for Li Tian, so Li Tian ended up spending the night at Chen Ya Jing's place.

He still had no idea what to do with Zhao zifei's matter. He had been too busy recently. The apocalypse had finally erupted at its most intense moment. Even if he did not have any thoughts of saving the world, he still had to live for the farm and for his loved ones.

Tomorrow, he would still have to go out and fight.

The next day, Li Tian decided to go out with the monk alone. It was inevitable that there would be casualties if the team members followed. It was not a bad idea to have them transport resources or crystal cores back to the farm. The rest of the time, ghost king and Lin Yi would guard the farm, while little ghost and ye Ziwen would lead the team to build the defensive facilities in the cave.