Chapter 1321-you have an opinion?

"Beautiful barbarian lady, are you looking at me like that because you want to have dinner with me tonight?" Li Tian's tone was frivolous as he looked straight at Yali, the iron-Masked Queen.

Everyone's breathing stopped as they stared at Li Tian in disbelief. They couldn't believe that an outsider would say something like that to challenge the legendary Iron Mask Queen.

In fact, Li Tian wasn't being cheap. He just wanted to see how the upper echelons of the ancient barbarian tribe would treat him. Li Tian noticed the hesitation and hesitation in Yali's eyes. If this woman was hesitant, it meant that there was someone with a high position in the organization who wanted to protect Li Tian.

When Yali heard Li Tian's words, she was stunned for a moment. Then, a raging fire started to burn in her heart, and she immediately pulled out a white bone whip from her waist.