Chapter 1366-cooperation

"If you block my way again, I'll fight you directly!" With such iron-blooded and dignified words, the disciples of the eastern immortal sect were shocked and subconsciously took a few steps back.

They stared at the woman riding the lion. They knew that she was not simple at all. She had once dared to go against the old ghost of the netherworld and was equally matched.

This fierce barbarian woman was rumored to be able to fight half-step Foundation establishment cultivators!

As soon as the disciples of the East Dao immortal sect retreated, they were immediately ridiculed and ridiculed by the other sects, especially the northern sword immortal sect and the southern pill Palace. This was a good time to attack the East Dao immortal sect, so they wouldn't let this opportunity slip by. Although it was a cooperation, it was only in name. No one would really take it seriously.