Chapter 1382-total annihilation


After Han Dong turned around, Li Tian smiled and calmly uttered the word 'kill'.

Immediately, the tier 8 demonic leopard and several other high-tier demonic beasts charged out together, and under the lead of fat cat, they pounced on Han Dong!

Han Dong was still at Qi disciple level 8, after all, and all his attention was focused on Li Tian. Caught off guard, he was smacked to death by fat cat, his head exploding.

The last thing he saw in this world was Li Tian's smile.

He didn't even have the chance to scream.

"Great Demon King, you can't run away today. Just surrender ... Huh?" The second person to rush over was the eighth-stage Qi refining middle-aged man from the eastern immortal sect. After entering the valley, the middle-aged man saw that the Great Demon King was still alive and was instantly overjoyed. Just as he was about to sneer at him, he suddenly saw the headless corpse on the ground and the ferocious demonic beasts.