Chapter 1423-meeting the high priest

After reading the entire manual, Li Tian's eyes lit up.

The letter clearly stated that the silver-armored warriors could enter the blood pool for an unlimited amount of time, and they could absorb as much as they wanted. However, the blood pool would emit a kind of blood poison. This blood poison was very strong and would directly threaten one's life. An ordinary silver-armored warrior would not be able to last three days.

There was once a barbarian who refused to admit defeat and tried to resist the blood poison, but he ended up dying in an extremely miserable way.

The old man from the Kai er clan had stayed in the blood pool for four and a half days, and when he returned, his cultivation had greatly improved, and he had obtained great benefits.

"Blood poison, interesting." Li Tian was actually afraid of the time limit. He didn't really care about the blood poison. After all this time, there really wasn't any poison that could hurt him.