Parting ways

This was a phenomenon that would make people collapse.

An enormous beast appeared above fat cat, causing all the beasts to lower their heads and silence. However, fat cat's face was like a curious baby 's, her eyes wide as she sized up all the demonic beasts, the contrast was huge.

All the beasts 'eyes were red, thinking that this fat and extremely cheap strange beast was completely taking advantage of the Tiger's might. He didn't have any abilities, but because of the king's seal's approval, he had the beast King's pressure, making people unable to raise their heads.

How could they acknowledge such a beast King? However, because of the king's seal, he was unable to resist, making him feel extremely sullen.

Seeing this, the elder Lion King felt extremely embarrassed. He thought that if this fat cat had been more serious, perhaps it would have been able to make all the beasts submit.