Ridiculed back

As the old innkeeper of the demon Moon Inn, the purple-robed old man naturally understood the importance of the status of a young master.

Even if they were pampered and repeatedly broke the rules of the castle, there was no problem.

The people behind them were very strong, and they couldn't be easily shaken. Now that these aristocratic children were injured in his Inn, when the time came, their families would definitely blame him.

"Who did this?" The old innkeeper immediately flew into a rage. His voice was incomparably vigorous and filled with killing intent.

"It's him! That's the native!" Qin Huai pointed at Li Tian.

The moment he saw the old innkeeper, he knew that this native was dead for sure. He would never be able to turn the world around again.

"Quickly catch him for this young master and throw him into the lightning prison so that he can suffer the pain of the lightning eroding his bones!" Qin Huai roared.