Three unspeakable words

After listening to skinny monkey's simple explanation, Li Tian finally understood everything.

First of all, he should be an outstanding Hunter in the village, and this village made a living by hunting. A mysterious beast had appeared on the heavenly cloud Mountain outside the village. Most of the young men in the village had gone to kill the beast and had not returned by afternoon.

Therefore, at this time, the villagers thought of themselves. He wanted to go up the mountain and take a look.

"Oh right, skinny monkey, is there no news of village chief and the rest?" Li Tian asked skinny monkey as they ran.

Skinny monkey shook his head, the anxiety on his face becoming more and more obvious.

The village chief and his men were the main force of the village. Once something happened to them, the village would be doomed. The consequences were simply unimaginable.

"Then do you know what that exotic beast looks like? How strong is he?" Li Tian asked again.