Powerful perception

The only way now was to walk out of this fog.

Li Tian believed that he could do it with his spiritual sense. Back in the blood Mountain, he had relied on his powerful spiritual sense to avoid difficulties time and time again.

"This kid must have some big secret." Qin lie stared at Li Tian's back. He had been through a lot in the past few decades, so he was very accurate in judging people. He felt that this time, he could only leave by following Li Tian.

"All of you, calm down. Follow that kid. He should know the way." Qin lie's deep and majestic voice sounded.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that. Qin kui wanted to say something, but he was immediately glared at by Qin lie.

"All of you, keep up, don't talk nonsense!" Qin lie's expression was serious.

Now that the Ghost Ship was chasing after them, once they left a certain range, the ghosts on the Ghost Ship would attack them. Who would be able to escape then?

They were all Emperor-level ghosts!