Chapter 1945-information leak

At this moment, tie ta had completely become a puppet under Li Tian's control.

Moreover, this puppet was not ordinary. It was unlike ordinary puppets. It was extremely rigid and did not have any self-consciousness.

Li Tian could feel that tie ta still had a certain level of self-awareness. He could move on his own without any control.

This should be similar to when Princess Yao Yue used the Gu worm to control the lion.

"Give me a punch." Li Tian said to tie ta.

Tie ta didn't hesitate at all. He extended his fist, and a terrifying energy surged from his body as he threw a punch at Li Tian!

Bang! Bang!

Li Tian chose to defend himself, and the two of them collided. As a result, Li Tian was forced to take dozens of steps back before he could stabilize himself!

The blood in his body churned, and his eyes were filled with surprise. Tie TA's physical strength did not decrease after he became like this. Instead, it increased by more than one level!