Chapter 2008-evil source energy

This was a damaged celestial artifact. Due to the lack of matching arrows, its power and quality had been reduced, but it was still not something that ordinary celestial artifacts could compare to.


The hall was suddenly in an uproar. The cultivators downstairs all stood up and stared at the longbow with burning eyes.

Countless golden core cultivators 'eyes were red and they were panting heavily. If they were not afraid of the power of the 100 sea beast clans, they would have already rushed up to snatch it.

This was a celestial artifact that even Celestials yearned for. So what if there were no arrows? it could still crush most of the weapons in the starry Crescent land!

"Thunderous bow, a damaged immortal artifact. The starting price is 20000 spirit stones. There has never been an immortal artifact in Haitian city before. Fellow Daoists, please don't miss this opportunity."