Chapter 2128-

"Old Hua, the biggest difference between an earth grade Alchemist and a heaven grade Alchemist is that the Tao Wu is destroying the essence of plants and vegetation, while the other is creating the essence of plants and vegetation."

As soon as Li Tian finished speaking, the withered leaf, which had just been drained of energy by Li Tian, began to fill up in an instant, and slowly swelled.

The life essence of the leaf had already been extracted, but now that it was in Li Tian's hands, it began to recover.

The Leaf's stem and leaves started to grow thicker. Li Tian threw it on the ground in the courtyard, and it started to sprout again, growing into a small tree!

"Bring the dead back to life?" Hua Ding trembled as a strange light flickered in his eyes.

"Why don't you try it?" Li Tian chuckled as he plucked another leaf and tossed it to Hua Ding.