Chapter 2174-escape

When the timid voice was heard, not only Li Tian, but Long Yan was also stunned.

The two turned towards the Crystal Palace at the same time, only to see Xin Yan in a blue dress, a transparent jellyfish following behind her.

"Xinyan, what are you doing out here? hurry up and go back." Long Yan snapped out of his daze and immediately scolded.

However, Xin Yan ignored him and looked at Li Tian.

"Big brother, Xinyan is here to take you away." The little girl said crisply. At this moment, the transparent jellyfish next to her turned Azure and emitted a dazzling blue light.

In an instant, the surrounding sea water boiled. The huge palm that stretched out from the depths of the sea tribe Palace was blocked by the endless sea water.

"Run!" "Go!" Li Tian shouted as he ran towards the deep sea at full speed.