Chapter 2181-obtaining the Dragon corpse

Li Tian reacted quickly. When he heard the voice left behind by the true dragon, he already had an idea.

He quickly left the main hall and arrived at the long tunnel.

At the same time, he set up a formation to isolate the sound from the main hall and the other sub-halls. In this case, the voice left behind by the true dragon would not be able to reach the sub-Palace, but long lie and the others.

After everything was done, Li Tian finally spoke.

He used the inextinguishable force, causing his voice to be filled with endless pressure, as if he was an Emperor looking down on everyone.

My trial-takers, your final test is here!

When this sentence was spoken, it was transmitted to the ears of every participant through the deep corridor. Everyone, including long lie, stopped.

They had been able to sense the weapons Hall immediately, but Li Tian's words stopped them.