The name of the Great Demon King

Li Tian was very happy. He wasn't in a hurry at all. With the tenacity of the ghost Mountain, he could at least hold on for another four hours.

This amount of time was already enough.

What Li Tian needed to do now was to wait until all the immortals were exhausted.

"Pavilion Master Li, if you can catalyze the pill, please hurry up." The immortal with the broken sword urged.

"I understand, senior. I'll be right there." Li Tian still replied with words.


At that moment, a false immortal of the stellar Luna sect was in danger. He was being attacked by three ancient gods. He used a secret technique to defend himself and his trump card.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

There was a strong light, a deafening sound of collision, and the angry roar of an ancient God.

This large-scale immortal war has escalated to another level. At this time, there was basically no one who continued to hold back. They all used their trump cards and began to engage in a life-and-death battle!